Welcome to the CoED card generator tool
(ID: 3143115237_30dy0x5g4syig85o)
This tool enables you to generate, edit or localize the cards used for the collaborative design tool. Simply fill out the form, save your input and click "generate" at the bottom of the page - then you will recieve a .rtf document containing a complete set of cards.

If you wish to add or delete cards, localize to your own language or otherwise edit the set, you can save the set, you make, and you will recieve an URL, from where the edited set can be obtained in the future, and can then print your cards.

Feel free to play around and please mail suggestions and error reports to eLL

Name of the current set of cards: (this is the description others will see when accessing your set):

Headings of holder card:

Cards for each category: (Separate by linebreaks)

Click "Generate" to create a printable file of the cards, or "save" to store changes - please note that only saved changes will be printed when using "Generate":